Greater Thing

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12

Thursday, October 15, 2009

a good day

today was a good day... i mean i lost it a few times with the kids, had to apologize and make peace. but for the most part it was a productive day. we are still in limbo with our housing and homeschooling. we have been in the navy lodge almost 2 weeks now and will be finally moving in to our new digs on tuesday (that is NEXT week!) i am so eager to get us moved in and SETTLED. i am in the process of ordering our sonlight homeschooling curriculum. i realized that i needed a clear program, that was easy to follow and directive. being new at all of this, i am seeing that having this aid will greatly ease the stress. i am just so excited to implement a literature based curriculum into our daily lives. the kids love love love to read and are like sponges. its so much fun. our most prized possessions our the books we have accumulated, so i think this will naturally fit our family's personality and focus.

in the meantime, we are using every day events and curiosities to learn and educate the kids. we made beds today and folded clothes. we went to a wonderful breakfast joint (i love breakfast joints!) called The Old Monterey Cafe on alvarado st. and we had some lessons in manners at the table and proper behavior. we walked down the main street to the monterey state park (a beautiful square that flows in to fishermen's wharf. (*i want to take the kids to the museums in the square but maybe not with the boys!) kyrie really enjoyed the painted tile pictures that illustrated the wild flowers, sea shells, animals, historic events and indians :: all part of historic and present day monterey. the kids climbed in a ship that is for kids to play in. it was a warm, sunny morning and we had a blast!

we came home and put blaise down for a nap and i got to catch up with my good friend jill, back in newport, while the kids played in the playset near our hotel rooms. after the baby woke up, i threw the kids in the van and headed back to old town to go to trader joe's (my absolute favorite market!) we stocked up for lunch, breakfast, snacks and dinner items. i am deteremined to get us all on a good schedule and part of that is to have healthy dinners prepared when daddy gets home from work. we took a lovely walk after some quiet time and met some new friends at the playset. then it was back to the hotel rooms to make supper. i got to go to my yoga class at the community center and got a nice challenging workout - its a vinyasa class, rather advanced. yep that is me in there, the only one falling over and unable to do the crazy poses. its a good time. then after i got back i took a nice hot bath. i really treated myself. right now all the littles are asleep and graham is studying.

i hope i can keep up with my blogging from now on. its so good for me to write my feelings. i know that my posts will get better and better as i flex my writer's muscles. i am learning more about the capabilities of this computer, so maybe you'll get some more pictures of our road trip across the country and some daily pics of our adventures as we make our transition to the west coast, laid back lifestyle.

aloha for tonight.

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